ACVB coordinated its first community event in Boston in collaboration with the City of Boston and BCYF. The event was also help sponsored by DFA (The Depina Family Association) & MAPS (Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers). Boston Police Commissioner William G. Gross on behalf of the Boston Police Activities league (PAL) donated drinks and snacks for the event in Boston. ACVB is a grassroots community effort to establish a community sports project that connects families with the community through youth development activities such as basketball and it’s C.A.R.E. Program (Community Advantage Resource Engagement). Parts of the C.A.R.E. program comprises of STREM (Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering, and Mathematics) and athletics. The program exposes youth to an array of opportunities that are fundamental for their future and areas of interest beyond what they are previewed in their daily lives… READ MORE